Which Sleep Vitamin Is Best To Take?

We’ve all been there: sleep-deprived and overwhelmed by the sleep aid aisle at the drugstore, or the local grocery store, in a quest to find the best supplement package to help us get a restful night’s sleep. Do not worry. Let’s simplify the overwhelming situation and point you in the right direction. Trust us, we know the feeling when you close your eyes, hours pass by, but your mind still can’t seem to shut off and you wish you’d bought that bottle of Mighty Night on your nightly online shopping sweep. Not getting enough, restful sleep can really affect your overall health. And what’s worse, poor sleep quality has been shown to accelerate skin aging to reveal unwanted fine lines and wrinkles.

If you’re tired of waking up without rest, consider adding a sleep supplement to your nighttime routine. This article will help you choose the best sleep vitamin that meets your individual needs.

The Best Sleep Vitamins for Your Worries

There are many different types of sleep vitamins. To help make the process of choosing which one easier, we’ve broken down our top picks based on your sleep goals.

You want to fall asleep faster

We recommend: Beauty zzZz or Beauty zzZz Gummies

Maybe you’re someone who can’t stop scrolling through social media before bed. Or, you may find it difficult to control your stress levels and find yourself wide awake. In any case, you may be able to benefit from an increase in melatonin.

Melatonin is the key ingredient in both Beauty zzZz formulas. Melatonin is commonly known as the sleep hormone. It is released by the pineal gland in the brain to help prepare the body to fall asleep. However, there are many external factors that can alter our melatonin levels like stress, screen time, and jet lag. Fortunately, many studies suggest that supplementing melatonin may help reduce the time it takes to fall asleep.

Both Beauty zzZz formulas can help you fall asleep in just 15 minutes!

You want to sleep all night

We recommend: Powerful Night

Although the idea of ​​having a bedtime drink and watching a movie sounds relaxing after a long day, it may actually be what’s disrupting your sleep cycle. Instead, switch to Mighty Night, which is designed to help you optimize the quality of his sleep if he finds that he wakes up constantly during the night.

Mighty Night highlights a blend of botanicals that have been traditionally used for centuries to optimize sleep quality. It is formulated with valerian root which can promote regenerative REM sleep. In addition, it is a natural way to relieve stress.

The formula’s passionflower and hops create the ultimate recipe for restful sleep. In fact, a study of 27 participants with sleep difficulties who took 2 capsules of Mighty Night before bed for 60 days showed an increase in total sleep time. Additionally, 96% found an improvement in sleep quality.

You want deeper, better quality sleep

We recommend: Beauty zzZz sleep gummies

Are you tossing and turning all night? The Beauty Zzzz sleep gummy may be the perfect option for you. We know that melatonin and botanicals form a great combination to improve sleep and allow you to relax and fall asleep faster. The addition of magnesium to the ingredients is what makes this sleep gummy stand out from the rest of our sleep supplements. Here’s why you’ll want to try it.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that contributes to many of our bodily processes to keep us healthy. It has the ability to support our psychological responses to influence how we respond to anxiety and stress. Magnesium adds a beneficial component to help Maintain sleep quality and normal circadian rhythms throughout the night. We recommend taking 2 gummies before bed to help you sleep through the night.

You are looking to reset your internal biological clock.

We recommend: Beauty zzZz gummies or Beauty zzZz tablets

If you don’t consistently wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day, this can affect the reset of your circadian rhythm. The release of melatonin in the body is synchronized with your usual sleeping hoursreleasing more at night to make you sleepy and less in the morning to give you energy to start the day.

Beauty zzzz and the sleep gummy contain Clinically proven Amounts of melatonin to help with your problems falling asleep. Choose the one that best suits your needs. If you prefer the taste of gummy vitamins instead of capsules, you’ll probably love our Sleep gummy!

You want to feel less fatigued or irritable during the day

We recommend: Beauty zzZz Gummies

Do you wake up tired and feel more stressed throughout the day? Melatonin combined with chamomile flower extract, lemon balm and passionflower Creates a perfect combination to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Magnesium is an added benefit found in our sleep gummy that has been shown to reduce symptoms of everyday stressorsincluding fatigue and irritability.

Take 2 Sleep gummies a day before bed, and start waking up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

Sleep aids and supplements.

Is it okay to take all three?

If you want to optimize your restful sleep and take several of our sleep vitamins, that’s totally fine! Mighty Night is safe to take with Beauty zzZz or Beauty zzZz gummies. However, it is not necessary to take Beauty zzZz along with the sleep gummy due to the overlap of melatonin.

Final thoughts

By now we can all agree that getting those essential zzZz’s is important for you to feel and look your best. Whether you need a relaxation boost to fall asleep or want to wake up feeling more rested, HUM has you covered. Try adding the best sleep vitamin to your nighttime routine and wake up on the right side of the bed!


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