41 • Kath Eats

Some thoughts on turning 41!

In recent years I have written letters about turning 39 and 40. I found both years very significant and a big turning point in the age spectrum.

Today I’m getting bored with the number 41.

Last night some friends and I went to King Family Vineyards to chat trivia. It was wonderful! My birthday wish today is to relax at home, go to my favorite exercise class, and enjoy an easy dinner at home with the kids. Tomorrow Thomas and I will have a big night out on the town.

It’s been a busy few weeks celebrating many Libras and Scorpios!

Some things I’ve noticed at 40 so far:

I still feel like a young adult

I would say my brain feels like it’s in the 33-34 age range. And to think that was almost a decade back.

The time I feel most like I’m 40 is when we play against teams of 20-year-olds on the soccer field. God, they’re fast! The average age of our team is between 30 and 40, and we constantly joke about the need to withdraw from the major league that has too many 20-year-olds running around.

My body is slowing down

Speaking of running, I’m no longer the quickest, fastest, strongest version of myself. I feel like as I hit 40 my mindset changed from “try as hard as you can!” to “DON’T HURT YOURSELF!” In my gym classes I go 90% instead of 100% because I’m really afraid that if I go 100 I’ll break or break something. I’m still dealing with a shoulder problem that could plague me forever, but I’ve learned to deal with it.

Honestly, I’m so grateful to be able to be active. Because of my foot problems during my college years, I know what it feels like to not be able to move my body and I am very grateful to be able to move mine the way I want. Some days that’s walking to and from preschool twice and that’s what feels really good. Other days it’s a 2 hour soccer game and then a few days off. Rest is now a requirement.

Even though my body slows down a bit, I am my most confident self in the gym. For me, fitness has always been a way to let off steam, connect with others, and de-stress, and I always feel happy in my former group classes. This post comes up a lot in conversations with other women my age.

Most women I talk to about body image say their strength and ability are more important than appearance. Most people are not willing to sacrifice their lives to look a certain way. I think this is both the wisdom that comes with age and acceptance of what is.

Nothing is as important as sleep

I recently saw this funny meme by Emily Freeman about sleeping in your 20s, 30s, and 40s:

Last weekend there were 3 sporting events and 3 birthday parties. We jump from one to the other on Saturday and Sunday. And both days, as we drove home at 5 p.m. to put on sweatpants, cook or eat leftovers, and have a quiet night, Thomas and I commented that we actually loved having daytime events and cozy evenings at home. “We are day people,” he said. saying. You couldn’t pay me to stay out past midnight these days! (Actually, we’re going to a concert tomorrow night and we’ll probably be out until 11 and I’ll need all of Saturday to rest, haha).

Life is complicated

Like a fine wine, our lives have layers and layers. I constantly strive for simplicity and at the same time accept that with a husband, two children and a house to manage, nothing will be simple. While systems (like the ones I teach in my Digital Clutter Program) help me stay organized with all the adult tasks, when I feel overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done time-wise, I have to remind myself to step back and remember what really matters. People matter. Health matters.

This year has not been easy for us. Between the stress of our renovation (logistics, moving twice, and managing the finances of it all), and then some sad and complicated family dynamics that I can’t share online, a lot has been going on behind the curtain. We have strived to support those who need support and do the right thing even when we have been wronged. There are question marks that I wish were commas.

Despite the paragraphs above, when I step back and look at this life from a bird’s eye view, things are going well. Being back in our house has exceeded all expectations and on a day-to-day basis things are going great.

Whats Next?

Next weekend: We have a fun Friday night planned with friends (the kids will sleep over with their grandparents!) and then a 5th birthday party for Birch on her big day. Spoiler alert: it’s Star Wars themed 😉

Next month: We’re hosting Thanksgiving at our new house!

Next year: We have not one but two tropical vacations planned! One just Thomas and me and another with the kids. I booked both trips 100% with credit card points and am working on an ebook training to start traveling for free. (Someone give me time for my birthday so I can finish it!)

Thank you for coming on this journey of life with me for another year,



Cake at 39


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