The Power of Self-Compassion (Guest Post) – My Brain’s Not Broken

Today’s guest post is by Michael Vallejo, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Founder of Children’s mental health center.

When we watch television, browse social media, or see other people’s accomplishments in life, we can develop unrealistic standards of beauty, intelligence, and success. This can create a habit of constantly comparing ourselves to others, which can lead to harsh self-criticism.

Harsh self-criticism can have a negative impact on our mental and emotional health. A healthier way to deal with your imperfections is to acknowledge them without judgment and respond with self-compassion.

What is self-compassion? (And its importance)

Self-compassion is the act of treating yourself the same way you would treat other people who are going through a difficult time. It is noticing your suffering, having the desire to take care of yourself, and recognizing that your imperfection or struggle is part of being human.

Dr. Kristin Neff, a pioneer in the study of self-compassion, identified the three elements of self-compassion:

  • Kindness towards oneself. This involves worrying and worrying about their discomfort and distress. It’s being there for yourself when life is difficult for you.
  • Common humanity. This means that you recognize that facing life’s challenges is an experience that all humans share, so you do not feel alone in your struggles.
  • Consciousness. Being mindful is acknowledging your pain without over-identifying your negative thoughts and feelings. It takes a balanced approach that allows you to have the perspective of practicing compassion for yourself.

Self-compassion is important in today’s society because it can help you strike a balance between striving for excellence and accepting your limitations. This way, you can bounce back from setbacks, learn from your failures, and continue to have a positive outlook on life even in the face of challenges.

Understand the concept of imperfection

Perfectionism can leave us constantly stressed, exhausted, and unhappy with our lives. Additionally, unrealistic expectations can lead to low self-esteem and negative self-talk.

Imperfections are qualities or characteristics of something or someone that deviate from a perfect or ideal standard. It could refer to physical imperfections, such as scars or blemishes. Or even academic imperfections, like grades that aren’t perfect.

Before we can practice self-compassion, we must recognize that flaws are a part of life. When we recognize that humans are imperfect, we can look at our flaws and avoid falling into feelings of self-hatred. It allows us to understand that it is normal to make mistakes or accept that some things are out of our control.

The harmful effects of self-criticism

Self-criticism involves looking at yourself, your characteristics, actions and behaviors in a critical or often negative way. When you talk to yourself negatively, you can start to believe that everything your inner critic says is true. Additionally, it can feed your perfectionism tendencies, which can lead to a constant fear of failure.

The power of self-compassion

Self-compassion can reduce the pressure to be perfect because you can accept that you are just a human being. You will be better able to recover from setbacks and face challenges. Additionally, if you treat yourself with compassion, you will be able to treat others with the same understanding.

Studies on self-compassion

The concept of self-compassion and its effects has been investigated in various studies. According to a 2007 investigation, self-compassion can reduce people’s reactions to negative events. You can lessen the impact of negative feelings on yourself by imagining distressing events and receiving conflicting feedback. Additionally, it can also make people recognize their role in negative events without feeling overwhelmed.

Self-compassion has also been linked to better emotional well-being. In a 2022 study, the results showed a positive bidirectional connection between self-compassion and happiness. Mindfulness was also found to be an important factor influencing happiness.

Strategies to accept imperfection

Practicing self-compassion is key to accepting your imperfections. Below are some strategies you can try:

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a key element of self-compassion. It’s about taking a balanced approach to dealing with your negative thoughts and emotions, so that you don’t avoid or exaggerate your feelings. By being aware, you avoid falling into the trap of rumination, which is the process of repetitively thinking or dwelling on your negative thoughts.

For example, if you find yourself thinking a negative thought, take a moment to pause what you are doing. Recognize the thought as an impartial observer and label it as just a thought. Evaluate whether your thoughts are useful or helpful. Recognize that you have the option to let go of thoughts if they are not helpful to you.

Use positive affirmations

Affirmations are statements that you can use to challenge and replace negative thoughts about yourself. They can help you gain a more positive mindset.

Positive affirmations play an important role in practicing self-compassion because you are promoting a kinder attitude toward yourself. They can help you challenge negative self-talk and break the cycle of harsh self-criticism.

Self love affirmations can help promote body positivity, emotional well-being, self-compassion, personal growth, self-esteem, and inner peace. For example, you can say: “I forgive myself for making mistakes. I believe in my ability to learn from them” or “I accept my imperfections as part of my unique and beautiful self.”

Accept and learn from mistakes

Instead of letting your failures defeat you, use them as opportunities to learn and grow.

First, acknowledge your mistake and recognize that it is part of being human. The next step is to take responsibility for your actions and analyze the mistake to understand what went wrong. Ask yourself what you can learn and what you would do differently next time.

If necessary, you can take steps to rectify the situation. You can also look for comments from other people to get another perspective. Then, develop a plan to avoid repeating the same mistake in the future. Lastly, forgive yourself and stop blaming yourself so you can grow as a person.

Self-compassion in daily life

Start your day mindfully, taking a few deep breaths and setting your intentions for the next day.

You can then recite positive affirmations about yourself. Repeat these affirmations regularly several times a day so that you can internalize them.

Try to practice kindness toward yourself when you make mistakes or face challenges throughout the day. Replace negative self-talk like “I’m so stupid for making mistakes” with “It’s okay to make mistakes, I’ll learn from it and do better.” This can help you achieve a growth mindset while also being compassionate towards yourself.

At the end of the day, you can also write in your journal to express your thoughts and feelings during difficult times and reflect on your mistakes. Use self-compassionate language as much as possible. Don’t forget to list the things you’re grateful for and celebrate your progress too!

Accept your imperfections through self-compassion

Remember that your flaws are what make you human, identifiable and unique. That’s why accepting your imperfections is a powerful act of self-love.

You can practice self-compassion by being kind to yourself as you would to a friend. It may take time and effort to acquire this skill, but it is all worth it in the end.

Image by Michael Vallejo

Michael Vallejo is a licensed clinical social worker with a private therapy practice in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He specializes in helping children and adolescents with mental health issues. He is passionate about providing effective and compassionate care. He is an advocate for mental health awareness and is the founder of Children’s mental health centera website that provides resources and support for parents, teachers, and mental health professionals who care for children and adolescents.

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