Facts About the New Covid Variant

Is Covid over? We wish.

Like us, you’ve probably got your brain wrapped around the fact that Covid, and variants of the virus, are still hanging around.

And unfortunately Covid cases are increasing.

Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported Nearly 35,000 people in the US were admitted to the hospital with Covid during the week of December 24. That’s an increase of more than 20% from the previous week. And Covid death rates increased by 12.5% ​​from November 11 to December 30.

New variant of Covid

The latest Covid variant, JN. 1, may be behind the intensity of the recent differential. CDC data shows that JN.1 represents approximately 6 out of 10 of all circulating Covid variants, an increase from the 4 in 10 estimated two weeks earlier.

Researchers have been tracking the new Covid variant for months. Its continued growth may mean it is easier to spread or better at attacking the immune system compared to previous variants. And it’s not just the US: infections caused by JN. 1 are increasing worldwide.

Despite the rise in cases in the U.S., the CDC said there is no evidence that JN. 1 causes more severe illness or different symptoms and the number of deaths and hospitalizations from Covid is even lower compared to January 2023.

Read: Are you at high risk for severe illness from Covid-19? >>


Vaccines can help protect against new Covid variant

The best way to keep yourself and your loved ones safe is to receive the updated Covid vaccine. Viruses have the ability to change, but staying up to date with vaccines significantly reduces the chance of becoming seriously ill or dying from Covid.

The CDC said current vaccines work to protect against serious illness and death from JN. 1 variant and all Covid variants.

Read: Choose to protect yourself and your loved ones: Get vaccinated against Covid >>

The CDC reports Less than 2 in 10 people in the US have received the latest Covid vaccine. And only about 4 in 10 adults age 65 and older have received the updated vaccine. But it’s not too late to get it. Talk to your healthcare provider about how to get up to date in your Covid vaccine or find a pharmacy near you to receive the vaccine.

You can also help protect yourself from Covid by wearing a mask in public, washing your hands frequently and staying away from people who may be sick.

If you have been exposed to someone who has Covid, get a Covid test, isolate yourself if you have symptoms, and wear a mask if you have to be around people.

We all wish Covid was over, but the truth is that it is not. Getting vaccinated remains the best way to protect against serious illness (or death) from Covid.

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