The Neurotoxin in Star Fruit 

Star fruit contains a neurotoxin known as caramtoxin that can cause irreversible brain damage in high enough doses.

If someone comes into the emergency room with intractable hiccups, one of the questions the ER doctor should ask is: Have you been eating star fruit?

In my video warning about high oxalate foods, Kidney stones and spinach, chard and beet greens: don’t eat too muchYo speak on the nephrotoxicity of star fruit, that is, kidney toxicity. “Excessive consumption of star fruit has been associated with the development of oxalate nephropathy,” kidney damage. The starfruits are not that big. Less than one cup of starfruit juice or “three starfruit fruits” can cause acute starfruit nephrotoxicity. In fact, “ingestion of even modest amounts of star fruit can produce “oxalate nephropathy” (kidney problems). “Is essential prevent nephrotoxicity of star fruit by educating the public and especially diabetics to avoid consuming star fruit, especially on an empty stomach or in a dehydrated state.”

come on talk on neurotoxicity. As I analyze it in my video. Neurotoxicity effects of star fruit, we have known about neurotoxic effects for more than a quarter of a century, but few seem to be familiar with the syndrome. As you can see below and at minute 1:17 in my videoMost common begin with hiccups, it can worsen quickly, especially in those who already have compromised kidney function. Because? Because “this fruit contains a powerful neurotoxin that can accumulate in the blood, cross the blood-brain barrier… and eventually cause irreversible damage” to the brain. The toxin itself called caramboxin, it is usually excreted through the kidneys, making it especially toxic to those with kidney failure, that is, compromised kidney function, to the point that for those with severe chronic kidney disease, a single star fruit can put someone has seizures in three hours, coma, and then death in three days.

In a series of about one hundred cases of toxicity, the consumption from distance anywhere from just half a star to 50 star fruits, with an average of about 4, but most of those participants had some type of pre-existing kidney disease. The average number of star fruits consumed by those in the group with normal kidney function before their toxic dose was more like 15. Therefore, people with normal kidney function may be more likely to suffer by kidney damage than by brain damage, which begins with the consumption of about four star fruits.

The bottom line is that people with chronic kidney disease should avoid Star fruit to avoid serious poisoning. In Brazil, where the fruit is popular, there are laws that alert people about the risks. Due to its neurotoxins, star fruit should be forbidden for patients with chronic kidney disease, but even those with normal kidney function may want to avoid the fruit, something to think about before reaching for the stars.

To learn more about kidney health, watch the related videos below.

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