The Link Between Greens and Skin Health

It’s one thing to want calm, clear skin… and another to put in the effort necessary to achieve it. Even if you invest in the best skin care products and treatments money can buy, what you put on your skin will only go so far. (Unless genetics are on your side and you wake up day after day, year after year, without a lump or blemish in sight. I, for one, am simply not among these blessed people.) For most people, what you put into your body will have a major impact on how healthy and glowing your skin will be. While consuming a wide range of fruits and vegetables will surely help, prioritizing green vegetables (including some green superfoods) could be the special sauce to take your skin benefits to new heights.

Next, with the help of Amy Shapiro MS, RD, of Real Nutrition in New York City, we cover the biggest benefits of vegetables for your skin. And later: her best tricks to help you increase your vegetable consumption with ease.

5 benefits of green vegetables for the skin

The fact that vegetables are *incredibly* beneficial to your health probably isn’t news to you. But if they’re not regularly in your meal rotation, their skin benefits will likely inspire you to add them to your cart on your next trip to the grocery store.

“Eating more plants will help improve skin integrity, hydration, and decrease signs of aging,” Shapiro shares. This is why.

1. Vegetables are packed with antioxidants

“Vegetables contain antioxidants that protect the skin from oxidative damage,” Shapiro begins. for review 2021 in it International Journal of Cosmetic Sciencesoxidative stress, which is caused and accelerated by everything from pollution and ultraviolet light to psychological stress and a poor diet—not only will it damage cellular health and contribute to aging and disease risk, but it will also show up on your complexion. This can result in:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Wrinkles
  • Roughness
  • dry

While topical antioxidants (like a handy vitamin C serum) can bolster environmental defenses and keep skin aging at bay, antioxidants in vegetables can do the same thing from the outside in. review 2020 in it Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology As she points out, greens contain the highest amount of antioxidants among all vegetables, thus solidifying their protective and pro-aging potential.

Some of the best antioxidants for skin, which you’ll find in different amounts depending on specific vegetables, include:

  • Vitamin A. According to Shapiro, this fat-soluble vitamin helps protect skin from the sun. Additionally, a lack of vitamin A can contribute to dry skin. (Topical forms of vitamin A, specifically retinol and retinoids, are also among the top products approved by dermatology for their anti-acne and anti-aging effectiveness.)
  • Vitamin C. It’s worth repeating that vitamin C is powerful for skin health, whether ingested or applied. “This powerful antioxidant fights free radicals, slows the signs of aging, helps the body produce collagen, and enhances the skin’s healing factors,” shares Shapiro.
  • Vitamin K. While vitamin K is not the most popular letter vitamin, it has antioxidant properties that may end up improving your complexion. As Shapiro explains, “It helps strengthen blood capillaries, allowing oxygen and blood flow to reach the skin to keep it healthy and glowing.”
  • Carotenoids. Although it is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory carotenoids They have yellow, orange and red pigments (and are therefore known to normally exist in tomatoes and carrots), you can also find them in green vegetables. According to a review 2022 in it Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, kale is a good source that will also increase collagen and elastin for pro-aging skin benefits. Shapiro adds that two specific types of carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, “help protect the skin from ultraviolet light and will therefore decrease signs of aging and oxidative damage.” TO review 2021 In the diary Nutrients notes that carotenoids can be found in vegetables such as spinach, parsley, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and chlorella.

2. The green ones are full of water

“Plants are full of water [and] Staying adequately hydrated helps keep your skin healthy and hydrated,” says Shapiro. Of course, you should sip water throughout the day, but you can also rely on all water-rich liquids and foods to meet your daily quotas.

In the world of green vegetables, the more hydrating which include:

  • Cucumber (96 percent water)
  • Lettuce (96 percent water)
  • Celery (95 percent water)
  • Zucchini (94 percent water)
  • Broccoli (92 percent water)

3. Greens support natural detoxification

Dietary fiber not only promotes gut health; Intake is also beneficial for blood sugar balance, weight maintenance, cardiovascular health and even skin. “When we eat more vegetables, we get more fiber,” says Shapiro. While he cites fiber recommendations for adults of 25 to 40 grams per day, a mere 7 percent of adults in the United States meet these quotas. If you want to be one of them and reap the benefits of natural detoxification for regular digestion and skin improvements, fill your plate with plenty of vegetables.

“With an adequate amount of fiber, our body eliminates toxins through bowel movements, [helping to] keep our skin healthy and vibrant,” explains Shapiro.

4. Vegetables are essential for a healthy diet

According to Shapiro, including more skin-friendly and health-boosting vegetables in your rotation has the innate potential to discourage unhealthy eating patterns. “When we eat more vegetables (and other plants), we ‘crowd out’ other foods, like packaged and processed products, which can disrupt skin health,” she shares. And, of course, vegetables are a crucial component of a colorful and complete diet.

5. Green superfoods may contain omega-3s

Shapiro says some powerful green superfoods, including algae, spirulina, and chlorella, contain omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to having benefits for brain and heart health, omega-3s “help keep skin hydrated and moist instead of dry and cracked,” explains the dietician. “This will help with skin integrity, aging and overall appearance.”

Tips to increase vegetable consumption and have better skin

Hopefully, the information shared above has convinced you to include more vegetables in your diet, statistically. Shapiro suggests the following tips to put thinking into action and achieve a clearer, more radiant complexion.

Try a 2×2 method

“I recommend including two cups of vegetables in at least two meals a day,” Shapiro shares. (This is in addition to enjoying at least two servings of fruit a day, with the overall goal of eating the rainbow and not just the vegetables.)

For opportunities to add vegetables to your meals, heed Shapiro’s inspiration:

  • Breakfast: Add spinach to eggs or a smoothie and top avocado toast with nutrient-dense microgreens
  • Lunch: Enjoying a salad, swapping grains for vegetables in a bowl
  • Dinner: Add peas to pasta and sauté spinach in stews

“Adding vegetables is very easy, especially vegetables like spinach, since they are very versatile and mild,” she notes.

Cook or blend your vegetables

Not the biggest fan of vegetables but still want to reap their abundant benefits for your skin and health? When you cook vegetables, for example, in a stir-fry or soup, Shapiro says they basically boil down to nothing. Similarly, blending fresh or frozen leafy greens into a smoothie is a sure-fire way to increase your intake while still adapting to your palate’s preferences.

Enjoy green juices (in moderation)

If you’re like me and love a good green juice, you’ll be able to increase your micronutrient intake with every sip. However, Shapiro advises limiting them to one a day, that is, if your favorite food contains a lot of sugar. “Many [green drinks] They contain vitamins and minerals in large doses, so it is not necessary to drink several servings in one day,” he explains. “In addition, these drinks do not provide the same quality or quantity of dietary fiber, so you will lose that benefit.”

Remember: Fiber is your friend, and you’ll get it by eating vegetables and other plants in their whole form.

Opt for convenience

Do you find yourself buying vegetables only to end up resisting the effort it takes to prepare them? Shapiro suggests purchasing them ready-to-eat to encourage greater intake. “If washing and prepping gets in the way, you can simply buy salad kits, vegetable boxes, or bags of frozen vegetables,” he shares. (Read: There are no excuses.)

Take a green skin supplement

To improve skin health thanks to greens and their micronutrients, you may want to include a detoxifying supplement for clear skin, like HUM’s Daily Cleanse, in your routine. Contains 14 detoxifiers, including chlorella and spirulina, plus many antioxidants and minerals (like zinc, which It has been shown to help relieve problems such as acne and dermatitis).

When taken consistently over time and alongside a plant-based diet rich in vegetables and plenty of other whole foods, you can anticipate both a healthier complexion and a greater sense of well-being.

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