Out of the Gym: Men’s Fitness Tips

Many exercise tips are aimed at people who work out at the gym. However, many men cannot belong to a gym or choose not to. If you don’t have a gym membership, you shouldn’t feel limited or helpless. There are still many ways to get and stay fit outside of the gym. Follow these tips and ideas below.

Path to better health

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults should get at least 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week. This is divided into 30 minutes of physical exercise 5 times a week. The CDC also says that adults should do strength training at least two days a week. Routine exercise can prevent certain health conditions. These include heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. People who exercise are less likely to be overweight, injured, or fall in old age.

So if you don’t work out in a gym, where do you do it? The answer is anywhere. You can be active at home or at work, inside or outside. You can exercise alone, as a team, or with your family.

There are a variety of activities available. You can do traditional exercise, such as walking, running, or cycling. You can play a sport, like basketball or softball. You can also get exercise equipment to use at home or follow online exercise videos or programs, such as P90X. You can buy your own hand weights to use or do moves that use your body weight.

It may not always be easy, but these tips will help:

  1. Get motivated. Set small goals that you know you can achieve. Small successes lead to big changes. They are also the ones that help change bad habits into good habits. Be specific with your goals. Men are more likely to commit when they sign up for an event. An example is training for a race, such as a 5K or a marathon. Once you’ve reached a goal, reward yourself!
  2. Switch it on. Varying your exercise routine is crucial. Your body begins to adapt to exercise after a certain period of time. Change your speed, weight or movements. Try new activities, such as yoga or other forms of exercise. Cardio helps with endurance by keeping your heart rate up. Strength training builds muscles. Both cardiovascular and strength training burn calories and are necessary to complete your fitness.
  3. Do the best. Try to get a set number of steps per day. Use an activity tracker to track your steps. Try taking the stairs or parking further away. Go for a walk alone at night or take your children and/or dogs.
  4. The more the better. Find a friend or group of people to exercise with. This is common for men who run or cycle. It helps you stay on track and push yourself.
  5. Make a fitness date with yourself. Some people benefit from marking their calendar or setting an alarm on their phone.
  6. Be complete. You already know you need cardiovascular and strength training. Rotate activities and movements aimed at your entire body. This means upper body, lower body, and core.

Things to consider

When you exercise at home, it’s easy to get distracted. Exercise in an environment where you can be successful. Your mental outlook also plays an important role. It is important to stay focused and not take too many breaks.

If you are new to a certain exercise, it is important to start small. Increase your speed, reps, or weight as you progress to avoid injury or burnout. Talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise routine. They may want to perform an exam, discuss health risks, or monitor your progress.

What you put in your body is just as important as what you do with your body. Eat nutritious foods that provide fuel to exercise and stay healthy. Learn to read nutrition labels to see what you’re eating. If you are active, you will need to eat more to maintain your metabolism. You should still maintain proper portion control. Staying fit also means staying hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and while you exercise.

Don’t forget to rest and recover from your workouts. You can do this by stretching before and after exercising. Enjoy a day of rest from physical exercise. Make sure you get enough sleep at night to recharge your body and brain.

Questions to ask your doctor

  • How can I prevent injuries by exercising at home?
  • Are there certain types of exercise I should avoid?
  • Should I take any vitamins or supplements?


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Physical Activity Basics

Men’s Fitness: 25 Fitness Tips and Strategies from the Experts

United States Department of Agriculture: MyPlate.gov

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