EquiLife CBO protocol review – The Fitnessista

Sharing my experience so far using the EquiLife CBO Protocol as part of my gut healing process. You can read more about my trip here.

Hello friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful week! We’re in California celebrating spring break with the team. I will share some adventures in IG stories and some photos on Friday Faves.

For today’s post I wanted to talk a little about myself. CBO protocol trip now that I’m five weeks into the process. (I can’t believe it’s been so long!!) It was a big step in my journey of healing eye problems and autoimmune symptoms as I did some testing and found high levels of bacteria, yeast and Candida in my gut. You can read more about my experience here.

C.B.O. It’s a 12-week protocol and while it’s not for the faint of heart, I’ve already seen incredible improvements.

EquiLife CBO Protocol Review

What is the EquiLife CBO protocol?

Equilife Candida, bacteria optimizing protocol is carefully crafted and designed to address imbalances in the gut microbiota, specifically targeting candida, fungal and yeast overgrowth, and bacterial dysbiosis. By harnessing the power of natural ingredients known for their antifungal, antibacterial, and gut-healing properties, this protocol aims to restore harmony within the intestinal ecosystem.. The goal of the CBO protocol is to cleanse the *bad* bacteria from the gut, repopulate the good bacteria, and heal and seal the intestinal lining.

Friendly reminder: I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. I am simply sharing my experience with this protocol. As with any dietary or supplement regimen, it is essential that individuals consult with their primary care physician or a qualified healthcare provider before making any changes. This ensures compatibility with existing medical conditions, medications and individual health needs.

Cbo 2 protocol review.

Key ingredients in the CBO protocol:

Saccharomyces Boulardii: A protective and powerful probiotic.

Berberine: Extracted from various plants such as goldenseal and barberry, berberine possesses broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties, effectively combating bacterial overgrowth and restoring microbial balance.

Oregano oil: Renowned for its antimicrobial prowess, oregano oil contains compounds such as carvacrol and thymol, which exhibit potent antifungal and antibacterial effects, aiding in the eradication of pathogenic organisms in the intestine.

Enzymes and Probiotics: This Equilife protocol also includes a mixture of digestive enzymes and probiotics to promote optimal digestion and the balance of intestinal flora. Enzymes facilitate the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, while probiotics replenish beneficial bacteria, promoting a thriving intestinal environment.

How does it work:

Equilife Candida, bacteria optimizing protocol operates with a multifaceted approach to address underlying intestinal imbalances. Herbs target pathogenic organisms, while enzymes and probiotics support digestive health and microbial diversity. This synergistic action helps relieve symptoms associated with candida overgrowth and bacterial dysbiosis, promoting overall intestinal well-being.


Comprehensive protocol targeting Candida overgrowth and bacterial dysbiosis.

Uses natural ingredients with antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Supports optimal digestion and intestinal health.

It can relieve symptoms such as bloating, digestive upset, allergies, autoimmune symptoms such as joint pain, skin problems and fatigue.

Developed by Dr. Stephen Cabral – he is my mentor and I am a big fan of the products he creates, as well as his messaging and brand.

The children’s protocol can be used for children over 3 years old.


Individual responses may vary and results may take time to appear.

Requires commitment to diet and lifestyle modifications for optimal effectiveness.

Not suitable for people with certain medical conditions or allergies.

The importance of functional testing:

Before undertaking the Equilife Candida, Bacteria Optimizing Protocol, it is essential that people undergo functional testing to determine the root cause of their intestinal problems. Functional testing provides valuable information on markers of gut health and guides personalized treatment strategies for optimal results. If you are interested in trial options, please email me (gina@fitnessista.com)

I definitely wouldn’t do this protocol without testing first as it is expensive and long (12 weeks).

Cbo 3 protocol review.

My personal experience:

The biggest thing that kept me from starting this protocol sooner was the suggested eating guidelines.

For optimal efficiency, you must follow the guidelines, and the most important thing for me was:


Whaaaaat?! I put garlic and onion on EVERYTHING. If a recipe calls for garlic, I double or triple the amount. Two cloves in one recipe? No. They definitely meant six.

That’s why I waited until after the holidays, Liv’s birthday trip, and a few trips and events we had planned until I was ready to go. I wanted to be able to control as much as I could, so I waited until it made more sense time-wise. I started it the day after Valentine’s Day (when I went crazy at Fleming’s lol) and planned for my 21 days to end when we went to Vegas, so I could have a cocktail and a fancy dinner.

If you’re wondering why they don’t recommend garlic or onions, it’s because they are powerful prebiotics and can feed ALL the bacteria in your gut: the good and the bad. You don’t want to be repopulating the same area, which is why vinegars and fermented foods, as well as certain fruits, are not recommended.

I can’t post the full eating guidelines here on the blog, but the first 21 days are basically meats, beans, certain fruits, lots of vegetables, and a handful of fats (mainly olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados). . After the first 21 days, you can begin to implement a weekly “flexible” meal for some nutritional relief and also begin reintroducing other foods (such as eggs, nuts, some seasonings, gluten-free grains) while checking for reactions. the way.

The first 21 days were challenging, but not unbearable. I realized how much I craved sugar and how much it was probably keeping me in the situation I was in. After the first 21 days, things get much easier. I can eat gluten free oats, rice, necessities/seeds/chia and haven’t had any reactions after adding new foods back in.

Here is the biggest trick:

Eggs are my favorite food and I haven’t eaten them regularly in almost 6 months. Egg whites were still raising my food sensitivity test and causing breakouts on my cheeks and chin, so I’ve been avoiding them.

Since I’ve been healing my gut, I’ve been able to add them back into my life without any breakouts or reactions. When we were in Las Vegas, I ate a giant plate of scrambled eggs (they were SO buttery and good!) and nothing happened. It was incredible.

The biggest benefit I have noticed is an increase in energy and no more brain fog. I was feeling very distracted and confused, and this protocol has given me a huge boost in focus, energy, and productivity. The swelling on my face completely disappeared; Even when I took the photos for this post a couple of months ago, my cheeks looked puffy! – and I don’t feel bloated or bloated.

I’ve been making weekly flexible meals count and have enjoyed some amazing sweets, a couple of cocktails, and more indulgent meals.

If I feel this good almost halfway through, I’m really excited to see my progress when I’m done. If you have any questions or are curious about performing functional testing, please let me know. I’d love to help!

EquiLife discount code

EquiLife is having their Founder’s Sale right now and you can stack my code FITNESSISTA10 on current deals (products only; doesn’t work on labs as they have deep discounts during the sale)

These are some of the things I would recommend:

The 7 day detox. It’s perfect for a little “spring cleaning” and a great way to help eliminate toxins and restore deficiencies, while giving your liver a little extra love. This was my introduction to EquiLife (along with my IHP certifications) and I’ve been a fan ever since. My clients have also had incredible success with this detox!

Universal folder! I love this before sauna sessions, hot yoga, or when I’m going to eat something I don’t usually eat (like alcohol or fried food).

Full spectrum magnesium. I take this every night and sleep like a baby. It is important to use a balanced magnesium that includes different forms. They all have a different purpose and work together.

Daily nutritional support. I have it every day, as protein pudding (mixed with some protein from Truvani or NOW Foods), in my oatmeal, or in a smoothie. It is packed with vitamins and nutrients and is a great daily multivitamin.

The best weighted blanket. I’m writing this post ahead of time and crossing my fingers that it’s part of the sale!

5 large laboratories and Starter Kit Discount. This is one of the only times all five major labs have discounts together. You can purchase the labs with those links, and if you would like me to review them with you, please email me before ordering (gina@fitnessista.com subject LABS). I can include my Vitality platform for you, a coaching call, and I can make sure you keep track of your results.

Have an amazing day and see you soon!
hugs and kisses


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