Runs for Cookies: Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 179

I was so sure today was Tuesday. I was even relieved to have one more day before my weigh-in on Wednesday, lol. I knew I wasn’t going to do well this week (well, it’s actually been TWO weeks since my last weigh-in). Things have been very out of routine and the last few weeks have been challenging.

Jerry had to do a special project at work that temporarily changed his schedule again (naturally, it was just as we were getting used to the new schedule). Everything they asked him to do was *not* what he had signed up for when he took on the new position in December. He is now back to normal (including his schedule), but it gave him enough information to reconsider the position.

You have an interview in a different department today. It would be a big leap for him, but he said he would really like to learn new things. He would also give him experience that he could use outside of his plant; If something were to happen and he needed to find work elsewhere, he would give him skills that he could use in all types of environments. He said that he will be happy if he gets the job, but that he won’t be devastated if he doesn’t get it.

The biggest change would be that I would be back to working a difficult schedule, except it would be the day shift instead of the night shift I had been working for three years. After everything she did to get the new schedule she has now, she said she misses the longer days! She’d rather work three or four 12-hour shifts a week than five 8-hour shifts (which makes sense: it’s nice to have three or four days off a week!). She also misses having occasional days off during the week, instead of just on the weekends.

Anyway, I’m just writing about this because even though Jerry worked more days over the past few weeks, it affected our eating habits. Eating dinner later, staying up late, snacking after dinner… habits I had worked so hard to get rid of! I wasn’t surprised then to see that my weight had increased today.

I think last time it was at 143 and today it was at 146. I’m not happy about it, but I can’t pretend I didn’t know that would happen when I fell back into some old habits. There are no excuses here, only responsibility.

My friend Emily texted me a few days ago to ask if I might be interested in running the Detroit Marathon with her this fall. After I laughed out loud and declined (which she totally expected), I started to think that maybe I’d like to start running again. (I’m not talking about runs around the block, which are more for mental health than physical fitness.) I certainly have no interest in running distance again, but it would be nice to feel fit enough to run 3-5 miles. a couple of times a week.

The next day, I came across a movie on Netflix called Tyson’s Run. I’m sure I won’t do a good job explaining it, so here’s the trailer (below). Although I usually prefer thrillers and horror movies, every once in a while I love a feel-good story, and this one is EXCELLENT. I don’t know if it’s the movies or if it’s just me that’s getting more and more excited, hahaha.

Watching that movie was inspiring for me and I once again thought about wanting to run. Jerry asked me if I miss running and the answer is that I miss running *when I was in running shape*. Running when I’m out of shape is no fun at all; And unfortunately for me, the only way to get in running shape is to run! For the past few years, I just haven’t wanted to endure the discomfort of training. However, I really miss the feeling of walking in after a good run and feeling great all day.

On the occasions when I go for a run, I can feel my leg muscles aching and my lungs asking for more oxygen, and it’s very hard to think about how good I’ll feel when I’m back in shape. Being patient with diet and exercise is very difficult, right? If I really want to enjoy running again, I have to work on getting back into shape. And that takes time and patience. I already know what I have to do if I want to go back there; I just have to do it with the right attitude.

I’m going to think about it a little more this week. In the meantime, though, I’m going to set my goal for this week as follows: I’m going to do a “test” this week to see how bad I am! Ha ha ha. I’m pretty sure I can run three miles, but I’m 100% sure it won’t be easy. I don’t care at all about my pace, but I’m very curious to see how I feel. And then I can decide if I’m willing to make the commitment at this point in my life 😉

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