Runs for Cookies: Saturday Morning Photos

These were supposed to be photos from Friday night, a week ago! But better late than never. Most of the photos I have on my phone are from recent projects I’ve worked on. Although I will put them in a separate post. I’ve been really into sewing lately and it’s been so cold outside (we had frost on the ground yesterday!) that I haven’t felt motivated to work on things outside. I *need* to clean the garage; During the winter, we just throw things in there to store for the spring.

It’s been an emotional week. Last weekend, just a few miles from me, a woman was driving drunk around 3:00 in the afternoon and crashed her car into the side of a boat clubhouse. Where the CHILD’S BIRTHDAY PARTY was being held. She hit and injured 15 people and two children, brothers aged 4 and 8, died. An older brother and his mother are still hospitalized and there was a candlelight vigil at the yacht club last night.

Doesn’t that break your heart? I have no sympathy for that woman and hope she rots in prison (she is currently free on $1.5 million bail). She has taken no responsibility and has shown no remorse. She was going so fast through the parking lot that she went 25 feet INTO THE BUILDING before her car stopped. And that was after she crashed into a parked car shortly before. I am simply devastated for those children and families who were not only hurt, but were there to witness it! There is no going back from that kind of trauma.

Well, I’ve thought about it so much this week that I need to move on for now. It’s horrible and I can’t stop thinking about that poor mother who lost two of her children and now has a huge recovery ahead of her: both she and her 11-year-old son suffered serious injuries.

I thought I had a lot more photos than this one, but that’s probably because of all the photos I took for the baseball team. Speaking of baseball, Eli decided to leave the team. He had played baseball since he was three years old! However, the varsity coach took all the fun out of the game for him (and several other kids) and he decided he’d rather spend his time at work to save up for a car. Eli said it had been on his mind the whole time and he thought a lot about whether he wanted to keep playing; Once he made the decision and told his coach, he said he felt like a huge relief. He seems happier and his mood is much better! I didn’t realize how much it had been affecting him.

Anyway, here are some photos that have been hanging on my camera roll…

When Luke and Riley were at Brian’s house one weekend, we went there to see them. They have this play equipment hanging in the entryway (a swing and these rings underneath). I was trying to describe to Riley how he could probably do a backflip with the rings and I wasn’t doing a good job explaining it to him…so I decided to demonstrate it to him, lol. I hadn’t tried it since I was a kid and I had no idea if he was going to fall and break my back, but I did it. And it was fun! Riley took this photo of me while he was hanging upside down.

The kids were leaving for Texas the next day (just a short trip with Brian), so I didn’t have time to take them to Barnes & Noble for Luke’s birthday tradition. I’m going to take it the next time they’re here, but in the meantime, I bought him a book that I’d been planning on buying since before it was conceived. It is a book of Dr. Seuss called “My Book About Me” (Amazon affiliate link), and it’s a fill-in-the-blank book for kids. My parents got one each for my siblings and me, which we completed when we were about six or seven years old. Luke just turned seven, so I thought it was a good time. (Seriously, this is a fantastic gift for a 5-7 year old! I still have the one I completed. Maybe I’ll dig it up and post something.)

Here, Luke was beginning to complete the book. I noticed that he wrote with his left hand and I said, “Luke, I didn’t know you were left-handed! Do you always write with that hand?” and he said, “No, I can write with both hands,” and he switched to his right hand and continued. LOW HAHA.

Meanwhile, Riley took each of us (Jerry, my mom, Brian and I) upstairs individually to 1) get our hair done and 2) get a name tag made. I wish I had gotten a photo of my hair! He put a lot of spray conditioner on it, slid it over my head and put a bow on top. It wasn’t… my usual look. Ha! Usually when I tell the kids I have to go, Riley jumps into my arms and asks me to stay longer. This time I said, “Riley, we’re going to have to go out in a few minutes,” and she responded without hesitation, “You’ve got to get that bow out!” Kids are SO much fun; I wish they didn’t grow so much between each visit.

Jerry and I went to Goodwill one day and shopped alone before meeting at the checkout area. I saw this Friends mug (what an oddly shaped mug!) and knew I *had* to buy it for Jerry without him seeing it. I stuffed it under some clothes in my cart and then completely forgot about it until we got to the checkout. It was something like this:

Jerry: “You’ve got the cup!”

Me: “What do you mean?” (realizing then that I wanted to hide it and forgot)

Jerry: “I was going to buy that Friends mug and hide it from you!”

Me: “That’s what I was doing for you!”

So we had both seen it and Jerry just left it on the shelf until he could get it again without me seeing it. When he returned, he was gone. Because he was in my cart, haha. I think I’m going to plant cat grass in it.

Have you ever had the feeling that you are being watched? 😉

Could Duck look any more evil?

Jerry was dying to get his hands on one of these ghost trap popcorn buckets from the premiere of the new Ghostbusters movie. As soon as they were available, he drove to a movie theater an hour away to buy one. He then went back two more times to get the smaller ones and send them to Luke and Riley. They sold out super fast, but he managed to get them.

Jerry, Eli and I went to see Ghostbusters. Unlike Star Wars, I actually like Ghostbusters (not like Jerry, but I think it’s a nice nostalgic movie).

My dad asked me if I could make a pecan pie for Easter. I’ve made them a million times (my dad loves my pecan pies), but this time something VERY STRANGE happened. I have no idea why, but it puffed up during baking (?!) and the texture completely disappeared. I admit that I am a terrible baker, but I make a spectacular pecan pie; This was so strange! My dad said he still tasted good.

I finally made something with the Friends fabric they had bought me. I had planned on making matching pajama pants with Jerry and I, but I thought it would be more fun. These are backrest pillows and they are VERY comfortable. Jerry and I don’t have a headboard, so they are nice to sit on in bed (we usually just stack a bunch of pillows on top of each other).

I’ve followed a really good sleep schedule (lights out at 9:00 pm) and it has worked great, BUT I wake up too early. I honestly think my body only wants to sleep for six hours because it’s practically impossible to sleep more than that. So, I usually end up waking up around 3:00 and try to stay in bed until 4:00. So, I started reading my Kindle before I even got out of bed.

Back in the late ’90s, I read a book called “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin De Becker (Amazon affiliate link) after watching him talk about the book on Oprah. It was VERY fascinating to me and I carried a lot of that with me over the years. The book was part of the reason I chose psychology as a major in college. I don’t know what made me want to read it again, but I started it and was hooked right away. It’s about listening to your intuition and how the smallest details can predict someone’s behavior. I highly recommend everyone read this, especially women.

When Jerry and I were at Goodwill, I saw a pair of pants with this tag and thought it was so cute! I’ve been saving some tags to put in a bag one of these days, so I’ve been paying more attention to them. I didn’t want to buy them just for the label, so I at least took a photo.

I made some serious progress putting my jeans quilt back together. I finished the quilt top and I love how it turned out. However, I started quilting it and now it looks terrible. I’m just not cut out to be a quilter! I thought the hardest part would be sewing the thick layers, but that wasn’t a problem at all – I’ve sewn a lot more than this before. However, the quilt top wrinkles while I sew (even with a walking foot) and after reading about it, I think it’s because the backing was too taut. So it will look homey, but that’s what I like most about denim: I think it looks better when it’s a little messy. So this quilt will have character! 😉 I’ll post a photo when it’s fully finished.

When I felt sad after hearing about the drunk driver, I looked at a bunch of “eye whitening” memes (basically, really sweet, wholesome memes/quotes that make me smile). I really liked this little story:

I took this photo of Chick yesterday; he was SO out of it. He is so calm; the polar opposite of Duck, who has as much anxiety as I do. Peas in a pod, Duck and me.

Duck was rummaging through some things I have on my nightstand and I grabbed my phone to take a video of him. As soon as I started it, he sensed that he was there and then jumped towards me to check my phone. It shows his “curious” look very well.

I found this tie at Goodwill and loved it. I bought it to use the fabric in something (I haven’t decided what yet) because it was too unique not to. I love that it was designed by a 13-year-old boy for the Save the Children Fund organization.

That’s all I have for now. Have a great weekend! xo

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