How Healthy Are Ancient Grains? 

Ancient types of wheat, such as kamut, are tested to control inflammation, blood sugar and cholesterol.

The number one killer in the United States and around the world is what eat. As you can see in the graph below and at 0:15 of my video. Friday Favorites: Are Ancient Grains Healthier?our diet Bush millions more than tobacco. What are the five most important things we can do to improve our diet? based about the most comprehensive global study on the impact of nutrition on health? Eat less salt, eat more nuts, eat more non-starchy vegetables, eat more fruit, and finally, eat more whole grains.
Any particular type of whole grains? What about the so-called ancient grains? Are Are they better than modern varieties? For example, what about kamut, described as “mummy wheat” and supposedly unearthed from an Egyptian tomb?

After World War II, the wheat industry selected especially productive varieties for pasta and bread. However, in recent years, some of the oldest cereals (“defined as those species that have remained unchanged for the last hundred years” despite agricultural revolutions) have been reintroduced to the market.

As you can see below and at minute 1:13 in my videonutritionally, kamut and spelled wheat, which is the oldest wheat, have more vision-improving yellow carotenoid pigments, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, compared to modern bread and pastry wheat, because the pigments have been raised out of bread intentionally. People want white bread, but modern pasta flour (durum wheat) maintains much of that yellow nutritional hue.

As you can see in the graph below and at 1:41 in my videoModern wheat may have less lutein, but tends to have more vitamin E, as seen in the graph below and at 1:45. Based In terms of vitamin and mineral concentrations, it’s practically a wash. Both modern and primitive types of wheat. have a lot of each, but primitive wheats have more antioxidant capacity, probably due to their higher polyphenol content, as you can see in the graph below and at minute 2:00 of my video. However, to know if that makes any difference, we have to put it to the test.

if you expose human liver cells to digested bread made from ancient grains (kamut and spelt), traditional types of wheat, or modern strains, and then exposing the cells to an inflammatory stimulus, modern strains of wheat appear less able to suppress inflammation, as may do it yourself. see in the charts below and at 2:09 in my video. the researchers conclude that although these different grains appear to be very similar from a nutritional point of view, they appear to exert different effects on human cells, “confirming the possible health benefits of ancient grains.”
But that was in a Petri dish. What’s wrong with the people? If ancient types of wheat are better at suppressing inflammation, what would happen if they were taken to people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and random receive six weeks of wheat products made from modern wheat or ancient wheat (in this case, kamut? The same amount of wheat, just different types. If there is no difference between wheats, there would be no difference in people’s symptoms, right? But, when the study participants in the control group were changed According to ancient kamut wheat, they experienced less abdominal pain, less frequent pain, less bloating, more satisfaction with stool consistency, and less interference with their quality of life, compared to modern wheat. So, after switching to ancient wheat, they had “a significant overall improvement in the extent and severity of IBS-related symptoms…”

What happens with liver inflammation? Liver function of people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease random eating kamut improved, compared to those who ate the same amount of normal wheat, suggesting that kamut is superior, as you can see below and at 3:47 in my video.

people with diabetes, had better cholesterol and better insulin sensitivity in the same old grain, as shown below and at 3:57.

And those with heart disease? They had better blood sugar control and better cholesterol, as shown below and at 4:03.

And people without overt heart disease had better arterial function, as you can see below and at 4:06 in my video.

The conclusion is that the findings derivative Human studies suggest that ancient wheat products are more anti-inflammatory and may improve things like blood sugar and cholesterol control. “Given that the total number of human intervention trials conducted to date is numerically insufficient, it is not possible to definitively conclude that ancient wheat varieties are superior to all modern commercial wheat counterparts in reducing the risk of chronic diseases.” However, the best available data suggests that they are better for us.

Regardless of what type of wheat you eat, a word to the wise: don’t eat the plastic bread bag clip. A 45-year-old man presented with bloody stools and his CT scan showed the offending piece of plastic from his bread bag, as you can see below and at 4:53 in my video. When the patient was disputed“admitted that he habitually ate quickly without chewing properly.”

Whole grains (ideally intact and ancient and modern varieties alike) are an integral part of my daily dozen checklist, the healthiest and healthiest things. I encourage everyone to try to fit them into their daily routines.

Whole grains are especially good for our microbiome. Learn more in the related posts below. What about gluten? Also, check out the related posts below.

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