End Of School Fun • Kath Eats

School’s out for the summer! And Grammie + Pea came to visit.

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School exit!

Birch had her last day of pre-K and Mazen is moving on to sixth grade. But the time off at home was short-lived because Birch started camp at her same school this week (for the last time!) and Mazen spent the week at fishing camp. These kids need to be kept busy outdoors.

Grandma + pea

My parents came to visit from Wednesday to Sunday!

Gus’s gift

Gus always gets a gift from Grandma and begs her to bring it to him right away! He is sniffing his bags immediately!

summer soccer

They arrived on Wednesday when I had a football game on the calendar, so they went out to dinner at Riverside with the kids and Thomas and then came to the game. They said they were impressed that I could still run fast at my age, haha!

Girls shopping day

Mom and I went shopping like we used to in the old days! We ended up getting these matching dresses from LOFT! I have also four of these t-shirts that have the perfect length, sleeve length and V-neck for summer. (Also comes in crab/lobster!) And these riviera shorts!

After shopping, we had Chopt salads and then hot black tea to restore our energy levels.

Pea still had some energy since she didn’t go shopping:

End of school party

On Thursday night we had an end of year party for the kids. We did blue apron enchiladas!

And of course we had cake! Funfetti Cupcakes and Cookie Dough I lived to be exact!

Mom also brought confetti and gave a speech.

On Friday mom and dad took the children to Bricks and minifigures. They were excited and each picked out a small celebratory gift for their good grades.

Friday after five

We took the team to Fridays After Five on the most perfect summer night!

Mom and Dad also met many of my ACAC friends! Everyone was in town.

Things got a little crazy that night when we played Telestrations on the grass…

And then Mazen and Fabi had a push-up competition! Mazen almost beat him at 30!

Saturday fun

On Saturday morning, Thomas and I went to ACAC class while Mom took care of breakfast! I had a welcome team waiting for my return.

We bought a dozen sandwiches from Bellair Market to take to North Garden for lunch with Thomas’ family. Hmm!

Saturday night

While Thomas and I were spending the night in Oakdene, Mom and Dad took Birch to an end-of-school party and then to the Brazos for dinner. They also painted a little.

We can’t wait for your return in November for Dad’s 70th birthday!

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