Workout Hacks for Busy Moms

I’m sharing some of my favorite workout hacks for my busy mom friends.

Hi friends! How’s your day going so far? We’re enjoying the rest of summer (I can’t believe the kids are going back to school at the beginning of August!) and we have plans for dinner tonight.

For today’s post, I wanted to share some workout hacks for my busy mom friends, especially since we’re about to head back into the hectic back-to-school season.

Being a mom is a full-time job and finding time for yourself, let alone exercise, can seem impossible. However, staying active is essential for physical and mental well-being. It’s worth a try!

Below are some practical workout hacks that will help you maintain your exercise routine, even if you have a busy schedule.

Workout Hacks for Busy Moms

1. Prioritize short workouts

Focus on short, high-intensity workouts that can be completed in 15 to 20 minutes. These sessions can be just as effective as longer workouts if done correctly.

Example: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great option. For example, a 15-minute HIIT workout might include 30 seconds of jumping jacks, 30 seconds of squats, 30 seconds of burpees, and 30 seconds of rest, repeated for 4 or 5 cycles. Alternatively, a Tabata workout involves 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for 8 rounds.

Why it works: Short workouts are easier to fit into a busy day and can provide similar benefits to longer sessions, boosting metabolism and increasing calorie burn. They are particularly effective for busy schedules because they maximize efficiency and impact in a limited time frame.

2. Schedule workouts like appointments

Consider your training time as an important appointment that you cannot miss. Schedule it on your calendar and set reminders. This is a game changer for me. Every Sunday, I sit down and plan out my workout schedule and the classes I’ll take. Having it on the schedule means I’ll stick to it.

Example: Use a digital calendar to set aside 20 to 30 minutes a day for exercise. Whether it’s early in the morning, before everyone in the family wakes up, or in the evening, after the kids go to sleep, mark it as a non-negotiable commitment. Set alarms or reminders on your phone to make sure you stick to your plan.

Why it works: By treating training time as a scheduled event, you create a sense of responsibility and make it a priority, just like any other important task. This helps establish a routine and reduces the likelihood of skipping workouts.

3. Involve your children

Turn your workout into a family activity. Involving your kids can make exercise more fun and less of a chore.

Example: Plan family activities, such as a walk in the park, a bike ride, or a dance contest in the living room. You can also look for kids’ exercise videos online that everyone can follow together. Incorporating physical activities into family time helps make exercise enjoyable and helps kids understand the importance of staying active.

Why it works: Getting your kids involved not only helps you get exercise, but it also sets a positive example for them about the importance of physical activity. It makes workouts less of a solitary task and more of a shared experience, which can be motivating and fun for the whole family.

15 exercises you can do with children

Here you will find a post with exercises that you can do with your children.

4. Take advantage of nap time or the early morning hours

Take advantage of your child’s nap or get up a little earlier to get some exercise.

Example: If your baby sleeps for an hour, use that time to squeeze in a quick workout. Consider a 20-minute yoga session, a bodyweight exercise routine, or a cardio routine that can easily be done at home. Another option is to wake up 30 minutes earlier to squeeze in a quick morning workout before the day begins. (A quick note: If you have a baby and aren’t sleeping through the night yet, I don’t recommend waking up early to exercise. Sleep is always best!)

Why it works: These quiet moments are perfect for focused, uninterrupted exercise. They also help you start or end your day on a positive note, which helps improve your energy levels and mood throughout the day.

5. Incorporate exercise into daily tasks

Find ways to add physical activity to your daily routine without setting aside extra time.

Example: Turn household chores into mini-workouts by doing squats while folding laundry, lunges while vacuuming, or calf raises while cooking. If you have stairs in your home, use them for quick cardio sessions by walking up and down a few extra times.

Why it works: Incorporating exercise into your daily tasks ensures that you stay active throughout the day without needing to dedicate extra time specifically to workouts. It helps you make the most of your time and adds more movement to your routine. I think it’s actually better to have small bursts of movement throughout the day than to do a 1-hour workout and then be sedentary for the rest of the day.

6. Set realistic goals

Set achievable fitness goals that fit your lifestyle and gradually increase them as you progress.

Example: Start with a goal of working out three times a week for 20 minutes each session. As you become more consistent, you can increase the frequency or length of your workouts. For example, try working out four times a week or extending each session to 30 minutes.

Why it works: Setting realistic goals helps you stay motivated and prevents you from feeling overwhelmed. It allows you to gradually build up a routine and settle into a sustainable exercise regimen that fits your lifestyle.

7. Find a training partner

Partner with a friend or another mom who has similar fitness goals to help keep each other accountable.

Example: Schedule regular workout sessions with a friend, either in person or virtually. Join a local moms fitness group or a fitness challenge on social media where you can share your progress and support each other.

Why it works: Having a workout buddy can make exercise more enjoyable and provide extra motivation. The accountability factor helps you stay committed and makes workouts feel like a fun, shared activity rather than an individual chore.

8. Take advantage of technology

Use fitness apps or online training programs that offer flexibility and guidance.

Example: Apps like MyFitnessPal and Chronometer help you track your workouts and nutrition, while the 7 Minute Workout app offers quick and effective workouts that can be done anywhere. Below are some of my favorite online workouts you can try for free and the best fitness apps for busy moms.

Why it works: Technology can give you a wide variety of workout options, track your progress, and offer personalized recommendations. It also offers flexibility, allowing you to exercise at home or on the go.

9. Keep training equipment handy

Keep basic workout equipment on hand at home so you can exercise whenever you have a few spare minutes.

Example: Have an unrolled yoga mat, resistance bands in a visible place, and a pair of dumbbells handy. You can also have a small corner of your home dedicated to your workout space, allowing you to easily start a session whenever you have a moment. Here are some ideas for home gyms on a budget!

Why it works: Having the equipment on hand eliminates excuses and makes it easy to start exercising spontaneously. It helps you integrate exercise into your daily routine with minimal effort.

10. Stay flexible and kind to yourself

Understand that some days will be harder than others and that it’s okay to adjust your routine as needed.

Example: If you can’t do a planned workout, don’t stress or feel guilty. Instead, make a plan to pick it up again the next day. If you can’t do a full workout, try doing a shorter session or a quick burst of activity.

Why it works: Being flexible and kind to yourself helps you maintain a positive attitude towards exercise. It reduces stress and prevents you from feeling discouraged if things don’t go as planned, ensuring you stay motivated and committed in the long run.

Consistency is key to maintaining an exercise routine, especially for busy moms. By prioritizing short workouts, scheduling them into your day, involving your kids, and incorporating exercise into daily tasks, you can stay active and healthy. Remember to set realistic goals, use technology if you find it helpful, and be kind to yourself in the process.

Any tips you can add to the list? Leave them in the comments below!
hugs and kisses


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