Virginia Theater Festival + KERF Vacay • Kath Eats

Here are the Virginia Theatre Festival shows I went to, life lately, and an update on KERF’s vacation next week.

Summer football concludes

Kerf Holidays

Heads up, KERF will be out of the office for the entire week next week. Last year I took the entire month of August off from posting, but this time I’m skipping a week because we’re off to Bald Head Island. See you when we get back with beach recaps and back to school week all in one!

Virginia Theater Festival

During the month of July I went to all three Virginia Theater FestivalShows! My friends Fabi, Mandy and Sean all go to the theatre and I’m so happy to be going to more theatre again. My parents took me to see loads of shows when I was a kid and I feel like I’ve been missing out on the arts for a while.

The first was 50 years and counting: a musical magazineI took Birch to this show, which was a bit ambitious, as most of the acts were solo songs by those who had participated in the VTF over the years. But he did well with lots of lollipops!

The next one was The little shop of horrors !! …

And finally we saw The 39 steps It was a comedy play and my favorite! There were only four actors telling the story through dozens of scenes, accents and characters. It was very, very well done!

Bonus: Percy Jackson at Live Arts

I also took the boys to see Percy Jackson: The Musical as a live teen musical. Mazen is a fan of the books and we all enjoyed the show.

These Power Salad Bags It would have been fantastic to go from a football match to a show in an instant!

Celebrating birthdays!

I also celebrated several birthdays this month!

I took Lauren to the Botanical Garden for hers.

And I took Julie to Jump to get her ice cream!

It’s cone season!

It’s also the season for corn on the cob and tomatoes!

Kath eats real food

The remains!

Blue Apron Soy Glazed Chicken, Broccoli and Rice

Family night at Bizou

My favorite cod croquettes in salad

Great brunch + bewildering

When your child’s foot is bigger than yours (next step: height!)

Also, VIBES!

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